Based on our Offense Reporting Policy, we have created lookback periods for different types of offenses, meaning that certain offenses that are older than a specific period of time will not be available in a search result. All included offenses on the Garbo platform have the following corresponding look-back periods:
All Part 1 offenses (as defined by the FBI’s UCR) = 14 year lookback periods
For sexual/domestic abuse offenses = NO lookback period (we will look back as far as we can in that specific jurisdiction)
For offenses with victims = 14 year lookback period
For financial offenses = 7 year lookback period
As Garbo continues to try and build the most equitable solution possible, we will continue to assess lookback periods alongside internal and external experts and advocates.
If you see an offense that should be removed due to lookback periods, please select the “Provide Feedback on this Record” option and enter in as much information as possible about the record (name, age, etc) and we will investigate.